Documenting December Memories

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Documenting December Memories

 Hello December to all,

20 days until Christmas! Are you ready? Do you have any traditions that you and your family do every year or are you creating new ones? For many of us, we are experiencing more time at home due to more COVID-19 restrictions. Our family of four is spending more time together with our university age kids home and we enjoy watching Christmas movies together and playing board games. Document these memories so they can be relived and remembered for years and decades to come. These are precious. Sharing these moments and memories is a gift. A priceless gift.

I LOVE the Story by Stacy Holidays Stories I Love Workshop Kit – check it out! Start your album today and share it with your family and friends so they can document their December memories.

Here’s a video about Stories I Love (the regular version) with Stacy:

Stacy Julian Stories I Love


Nancy K.