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Do you love to read? I do! I love it! Sometimes when I am reading a really good book I can't stop! I will read it until the wee hours of the morning. It's a sickness (kind of a good one I guess)! My girls and hubby love to read too. I am curious. What types of books do you love to read? I love fiction, history, non-fiction, travel books, magazines, human resources reference books, and self-help. Do you have a favorite author? What are you reading right now? I am looking for a new book to read. I love learning and growing as a person. I would love to hear from you!Have a super

Good evening and Happy New Year!My family and I had a fantastic Christmas with many family and friends. I hope you did too! With a new year upon us, goal setting and making resolutions are part of that. What are some of your goals for 2012? Have you made any resolutions? If you have, I encourage you to make them SMART. S - SpecificM - MeasurableA - AchievableR - RealisticT - Time-boundWhen you take the time to make your goals SMART, you are much more likely to achieve them!Some of my goals this year including not procrastinating in filing my paperwork (one of my least favorite jobs), setting aside time to paper craft and try

There is only one more week to get one free add-on Collection when you join Close to My Heart! This is a great value! I would love for you to join my Hearts of the West Team! Do you love scrapbooking, cardmaking, stamping? Would you love to get products at a discount? Do you love to travel and meet new people and learn new art techniques? If you answered "yes" to any of thse questions, contact me for more details!Enjoy!Nancy K.

Hi all!I don't know about you but I love Fall! I am taking advantage of however many nice Fall days we have left to go for a walk with my mini dashchund in our community. It was cool, foggy and damp but beautifully peaceful. Here is a picture from our walk this morning.What do you love about Fall? I'd love to hear from you! When you answer you name will go in a draw for a Fall themed Close to My Heart stamp set! Enjoy!Nancy K.

Good evening!There's not much time left to join Close to My Heart and my Hearts of the West Team! October is the month to do it! When you join you will receive one New Consultant Kit add-on collection of your choice FREE! Add-On Collections are priced at $40 each and have a retail value of up to $140 - this is an incredible deal!For more information please contact me at nancy.klein@shaw.ca or to join today visit my website at www.nancy.myctmh.com and click on "Your Opportunities".Have a fantastic evening!Nancy K.